You have come and go in my life.How i wish one day you'd just stay right where I need you.As beautiful as a canary bird.Right here in my cage.always looking after you.Watching out for you.Your feelings,giving you freedom.But that is when you usually ran away..I just loved you too much.Every time you came back,I couldn't find the heart to just let you be.I kept wanting to believe that you've changed,but time and time again you come and go.Dear Canary,can't you just stay right here in my heart..
I know we have no strings attached.But yeah you said,you realised what you've done to me is cruel and that you still _ _ _ _ me.That's why you came back.You know you can't promise me anything,that's why you are now always more afraid of getting affectionate with me.But I am too.
I felt somethings just a little different about you.You kept coming back when I am not talking to you.I don't know.I really am afraid that you'll go away again.That is why even till now I've never get my hopes up high for you to still be around.I'm always prepared for the next day when you gonna come to me saying that you don't want this no more.But the funny thing is,why?Why do you still stay?Did you really change?I am still yet to know about that..
Only time will tell.You said you'll fight my love over anyone,and you're always envious when others are around me.And if the time come for something bad to happen,I'm always prepared..
p.s. convince me, convince me hard.
Location: School Campus Dover College West ITE
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